Letter: Election Judge Supports Ranked Choice Voting

Submitted (unpublished) Letter to the Editor, Bloomington Sun Current

I've been a Bloomington election judge for 17 years and I think Ranked Choice Voting is the best thing to come along in some time. In the past, the summer primaries were so poorly attended, it didn’t make sense for our city to spend so much money on them. Ranked Choice Voting combines the primary and general election into one instant runoff election in November, when more voters turn out. And what I really like is that I don't have to worry that my first choice candidate won't get elected and therefore I don't want to risk my vote for that candidate. If my first-choice candidate doesn’t have enough support to win, my vote will count for my second-choice candidate. I look forward to ranking my ballot for City Council candidates on Nov. 2!

If you’re looking for information about the candidates, the Bloomington League of Women Voters hosted the candidates for individual videos and two candidate forums (one for city council and one for school board), which are viewable online or on Bloomington TV (channels 14 or 859).  School board elections won’t use Ranked Choice Voting - voters can vote for up to 4 candidates for school board. If you have questions on Election Day or during in-person early voting at city hall, the election judges will be able to help you.

Gary Vig, Bloomington

Laura Calbone