Join Us at an Upcoming Event

Vote NO Day of Action
Our Day of Action starts with an 11am rally with Congressional candidate Kelly Morrison, Sen. Wiklund and State House candidate Julie Greene, followed by a door knock. At 3pm, we’ll kick off another door knock. Join us for part or all of the day!

Donuts & Doors with Sen. Mann
Enjoy coffee and donuts and hear from Sen. Mann before talking to voters about voting NO on repeal so we can save RCV in Bloomington!

Early Voting
To vote before Election Day (Nov. 5), you can vote absentee in-person at Bloomington City Hall or vote by mail.

Candidate Forum: State House Dist 51B
The League of Women Voters is hosting a candidate forum for voters to ask questions of the candidates for House District 51B (east Bloomington).

Candidate Forum: State House Dist 50B
The League of Women Voters is hosting a candidate forum for voters to ask questions of the candidates for House District 50B (west Bloomington).

"Majority Rules" Free Online Movie Screening
Watch this documentary online for free! The film seeks to answer two of our nation’s most pressing questions: How did the American electoral system become so dysfunctional, and can changes to how we vote change our entire system for the better? It examines the impact of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in Alaska.

Candidate Forum: Hennepin County Commissioner Dist 5
The League of Women Voters is hosting a candidate forum for voters to ask questions of the candidates for Hennepin County Commissioner District 5, which includes Bloomington.

Candidate Forum: State House Dist 50A
The League of Women Voters is hosting a candidate forum for voters to ask questions of the candidates for House District 50A.

Vote NO Day of Action
Join us for coffee and donuts as we hear from state reps Steve Elkins and Nathan Coulter before we head out to talk to voters about voting NO on repeal.

Phone Bank
Help us call voters! You can do this from the comfort of your home when it is convenient for you.

Door Knock
Help us talk to voters at their doors! Sign up for a day(s) and time(s) that works for you!

Vote NO on Repeal Campaign Kickoff
Join us for an exciting Campaign Kickoff! Pick up a yard sign and t-shirt, enjoy a fundraising beer flight and complimentary snacks, and hear from leaders about why we need to keep RCV in Bloomington and how we will win in November!

Candidate Meet & Greet
Join us online to meet state senate and house candidates for MN Senate Districts 50 and 51 and learn about their stances on Ranked Choice Voting and other democracy reforms ahead of the endorsing conventions.

Caucus for RCV!
Would you like to use Ranked Choice Voting for state and federal elections? Caucus for RCV on Feb 1! Training provided. Sign up now!

General Election
Vote! 3 of 7 council seats are on the ballot – district 3, district 4, and one at-large seat. Rank your vote! (School Board races are also on the ballot but will not use Ranked Choice Voting due to state restrictions.)

City Council Candidate Forum by Chamber of Commerce
Join the Chamber of Commerce and listen to the candidates for Bloomington City Council discuss their perspectives on making Bloomington a top city for business.

Absentee/Early Voting for General Election
Absentee/early voting for the General Election is Sept. 17 through Nov. 1, and can be done by mail or in person at Bloomington City Hall. Three of 7 council seats are on the ballot – district 3, district 4, and one at-large seat. Rank your vote! (School Board races are also on the ballot but will not use Ranked Choice Voting due to state restrictions.)

RCV Virtual Forum by the Chamber of Commerce
Register early to watch the Ranked Choice Voting forum hosted by the Chamber of Commerce. Learn more about the basics of RCV, how it changes the dynamics of races, and benefits and challenges to moving toward increased use of RCV in the Twin Cities.

Submit Qs for Candidate Forum!
The Bloomington League of Women Voters will host city council and school board candidate forums. Because the forums will NOT have a live audience and will NOT be live-streamed, residents can submit questions by Sept. 6 to (Recordings of both forums will be available after Sept. 17.)

Mock Election
Participate in an unofficial practice election to learn how to vote using a ranked choice ballot. Election staff will be available to answer questions.

Candidate Filing Period
Residents can file as candidates to have their names listed on the ballot for the Bloomington City Council seats up for election in November 2021.

Why RCV is Good for Women
Is Ranked Choice Voting the key to unlocking the door to gender equity in elective office? Learn more at this event featuring Erin Vilardi, Founder and CEO of Vote Run Lead, as well as local political leaders.

Women Leading Democracy Forward
Join Professor Danielle Allen – renowned political theorist and Director of Harvard's Center for Ethics – State Senator Melisa Franzen and State Representative Kelly Morrison for an important discussion about the breakdown of our democratic institutions, how women are playing a key role in strengthening those institutions, and how we can reform our system to enable more women to lead – by running and winning for public office.

Black Leaders at the Forefront of Democracy Reform
This extraordinarily challenging year has revealed, in often painful ways, the tremendous inequities faced by black people in Minnesota and across the country. Please join FairVote MN for Black Leaders at the Forefront of Democracy Reform: Breaking Down Structural Inequities and Creating a Racially Just Democracy.

Democracy Town Hall
What can we do to protect and strengthen our democracy? FairVote MN and Clean Election MN are hosting a series of virtual town halls to consider this question. National and state leaders will discuss proven, achievable and powerful solutions like Ranked Choice Voting, campaign finance reform, and more, that can move us forward. Congressman Dean Phillips and MN Secretary of State Steve Simon will be special guests at the March 21 town hall.

MN House Committee Hearing for Statewide RCV Bill
The Local Government Division of the State Government Finance and Elections Committee will hold the first hearing on a statewide Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) bill. HF89 would allow MN voters to use RCV for all statewide and federal races, as well as give all cities the ability to adopt RCV if they want to.

RCV Video Contest
Calling all creatives who love Ranked Choice Voting! This is your opportunity to shine and help advance RCV. And there are cash prizes. For the contest, create a video that answers the question: “What is a problem that Ranked Choice Voting has solved or could solve.”

Election Night Results Party
Join us online on Election Night, Tues., Nov. 3, starting at 9pm to watch the results of the Ranked Choice Voting ballot questions in Bloomington and Minnetonka come in!