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Letter: Ranked Choice Voting for a Truly Representative Democracy
By Marcia Wattson
The City of Bloomington held a primary on August 8 for two seats on the City Council. A mere 6.6% of eligible voters turned out to make this decision that will affect all citizens of Bloomington. It’s time to eliminate the low-turnout, high-cost primary in local, off-year city elections and move toward truly representative democracy by implementing Ranked Choice Voting (RCV).
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Counterpoint: Ranked-Voting Promotes Issue-Based, Inclusive Campaigns
By Jeff Hayden , Peggy Flanagan and Javier Morillo
Democracy is in peril. From a system that thwarts the popular vote, to unprecedented levels of political polarization, to growing cynicism and apathy, to big money and special interests, to calculated attempts to suppress the vote, the whole notion of democracy as we know it is at risk … RCV not only is proven to help mitigate many problems threatening our democracy, but it’s also a system that’s widely popular among seniors, people of color and those who speak English as a second language.