Caucus for Ranked Choice Voting Feb. 1

Precinct caucuses are Tuesday, Feb. 1, at 7pm. It's a great opportunity to build support for Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)! Caucuses are meetings run by the political parties, and attendees present resolutions for issues/ideas for the party to support (which could become part of the party platform). 

Due to COVID, many in-person caucuses will not be held this year. For example, the Bloomington DFL (SD50 and SD49) are having contactless caucuses - instead of meeting, you simply fill out an online form and submit the RCV resolution online by 9pm on Feb. 1. 

Caucus Resolution, Delegate

We are asking RCV supporters in every precinct to participate in their caucus: 

  1. Introduce a resolution to support RCV for state and federal elections.

  2. Volunteer to be a delegate to the Senate District Convention April 9, where delegates will vote on resolutions and vie to be delegates to the State Convention (in May in Rochester).

Click here for more details about caucusing for RCV

Caucus Training (Optional)

If you'd like to learn more about caucuses and being a delegate to the Senate District Convention (which is the next step after caucus, where they decide which resolutions will move on to the next level), there will be two Zoom trainings - sign up by clicking your preferred day (or email to set up a separate time):

Count Me In!

Let us know you will caucus for RCV and we’ll follow up with more details.

Laura Calbone