Ranked Choice Voting has been a huge success in Bloomington

By passing Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in 2020, Bloomington voters got rid of expensive city primaries where only 5-10% of voters participated, and combined two rounds of voting into a single “instant runoff” election in November, when turnout is higher and more representative of our community.

Bloomington’s first two RCV elections held in 2021 and 2023 were very successful:

✔️ Voters had more candidate choices on their November ballot;

✔️ Voter turnout increased compared to similar elections;

✔️ Taxpayers saved $100,000 each election cycle by not holding a low-turnout summer primary.


Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is Proven!

  • Successfully used in Minneapolis and St. Paul for a decade, with St. Louis Park starting in 2019.

  • Ready-to-use blueprint in place for implementing RCV, saving Bloomington start-up costs and time.

  • 15% of Minnesota voters already use Ranked Choice Voting.

  • Validated unanimously as constitutional by the Minnesota Supreme Court and two Federal Courts.

  • Nonpartisan and embraced by voters across all parties.


Major cities across the U.S. use or will soon use Ranked Choice Voting in their municipal elections, including St. Paul and Minneapolis for a decade, as well as St. Louis Park, Minnetonka and Bloomington.


Minneapolis voters say Ranked Choice Voting is easy to use.


Minneapolis voters want to continue using Ranked Choice Voting.


“Ranked Choice Voting has been tested across the country and Maine just sent their first member to Congress using this system. It’s time we start investing in and expanding Ranked Choice Voting.”

- Dean Phillips, U.S. Representative


“I’ve long been a supporter of Ranked Choice Voting because it provides an incentive for politicians to reach out beyond their narrow political ‘base’ of voters for support and discourages negative campaigning. With RCV, the winners are more likely to be the kind of pragmatic and non-ideological politicians who are willing to reach out across the aisle to forge a consensus around practical solutions to important problems.”

Steve Elkins, MN House of Representatives


"I am excited to support Ranked Choice Voting for Bloomington because it is a streamlined, efficient, and cost-effective election process that allows voters to make a single trip to the polls with confidence that their votes matter and their voices are heard."

- Sharon Billings, Bloomington Resident for 50 years


Help us successfully transition to RCV in Bloomington.